These would be the elements in row 2 the alkaline metals. Elements in a row usually share many qualities such as electon reactivity as well as similar characteristics like the fact that many alkaline metals are considered Cations, ions with positive charges. Some examples are beryllium and calcium.
Tumor cells are cells that divide relentlessly, forming solid tumors or flooding the blood with abnormal cells.
(d) Cell wall
The cell wall is a structure located on the outside of the cell membrane in the cells of plants, bacteria, fungi, and algae. It is a resistant, tough and flexible layer, which has the vital function of supporting the osmotic pressure inside the cell, preventing the cell from lysis when water enters. Besides, it has the function of giving rigidity, support and defining the shape of the cell.
I agree.
Cell biology and technology are so connected that there is even a science called biotechnology, which is the literal union of these two strands.
Biotechnology is an area that aims to develop biological products and processes with the help of science and technology. The United Nations (UN) classifies biotechnology as "any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derived beings, to manufacture or modify products or processes for specific uses".
Biotechnology covers different areas of knowledge that include basic science (such as molecular biology, microbiology, etc.), applied science (such as immunological, chemical and biological techniques) with different technologies (such as information technology, robotics and process control).