In his long telegram, Novikovhas describe sees the US as a country planning for world domination. During that time, the US had been leading in manufacturing as well as had been able to create trade agreements with other countries who are hoping to prosper by rebuilding some of its structures with the help of the United States. He feels that the US had the upper hand compared to Russia, and thus started the Cold War.
Aaron was known as the " High Priest "
Here is a link for more information:
1. The Enlightenment
2. The Napoleonic Wars
3. The Congress of Vienna
4. German Unification
The enlightenment: started either 1701 or 1650
German unification: 1871
The Congress of Vienna: November 1814 to June 1815
The Napoleonic Wars: 1803 - November 20, 1815
Because the Napoleonic wars were just wrapping up when the Congress of Vienna started, i would place it ahead.
Latin was the official language and was considered a standard course, before it became a dead language
C - He wanted to rid Italy of the Bourbon monarch.