Dowry is in the form of money, goods, things that a bride brings with her in there in-laws home. The dowry is given by bride parents to the groom's parents. This is a compensatory form for [protecting the girl from ill-mannered behavior by their in-laws. It is a type of compulsory so whenever the bride gets divorced she can run her life safety. Some times dowry help the groom to start their life from the new beginning. But sometimes this is reciprocal custom and tradition. It is the give take procedure between two families. It is also called a Kanya daan in India that is given by a father to her daughter concerning a gift.
The "elastic clause" in the United States Constitution grants Congress the power to make laws needed to operate the national government. This statement is found in Article 1 in the United States Constitution.
The answer would be letter B or choice B.
The major goal of such programs is to meliorate highway safety by providing evaluation, orientation, intervention, and treatment services for offenders in an effort to reduce their risk of committing the same later.
The establishment clause came into realization that the state and religion cannot be totally separated. According to the Supreme Court, there is a 3-part test in determining if the celebration complies with the Clause,
(1) the activity must be for non-secular purposes.
(2) religion must not be advanced nor inhibited as a primary effect of the activity.
(3) the activity must not result in too must entanglement with the religion.