The highest high tides, and lowest low tides occur during a new/full moon.
This is also called spring tides where you have two extreme types of tides. These tides happen when the sun, moon, and earth line up.
It’s almost impossible to ignore the impact that “soccer” has on different countries, around the world. In America, winning or losing a football match isn’t life or death. But the rest of the world feels differently. In fact, football — as it’s known everywhere else around the world — can mean life or death.
The influence of football on a country’s people doesn’t always result in a favorable outcome, though. In North Korea for example, the outcome is public shaming.
Off the Atlantic seaboard of the United States, the Gulf Stream flows at a rate nearly 300 times faster than the typical flow of the Amazon River. The velocity of the current is fastest near the surface, with the maximum speed typically about 5.6 miles per hour.