All of the alternatives are correct.
Oral Elections raise lots of problems, including the following:
A) the lack of secrecy. Voting orally meant saying out loud who your candidates were, so everybody would know who you voted for, which could compromise your day-to-day life afterwards.
B) peer pressure to vote a certain way. Imagine you saw all your friends and family vote for one candidate, knowing they will know who you voted for, you might feel pressured to pick the same candidate.
C) it was hard to get enough voters to the polls. Even today getting all of the citizens to vote is no simple task.
D) the judge had a hard time figuring out who had voted and who might have voted twice. The judge obviously doesn't know the face of all the electors, which opens room for fraud.
E) the candidates knew who voted for them. Since the vote was voiced, candidates knew who voted for them. That could implicate government workers and those working/living near the candidates.