C. They pollinate the flowers that only open at night.
A niche is the functional role an organism performs in the ecosystem. Simply, the question is asking for the role of nocturnal animals as pollinators.
- A pollinator is any organism the helps plants to transfer pollen grain from the anther of one flower to the stigma of another.
- This way, fertilization and crossing of genetic materials is achieved.
Nocturnal animals are animals that are very active at night. This is an evolutionary advantage for them because there is less danger at this point of the day.
Therefore, some nocturnal animals can help to pollinate flowers that only open at night.
Strong odor at a garbage dump
There are five types of placentation that occurs in flowering plants i.e. axile, marginal, parietal, basal, superficial placentation.
The most specific classification of organism is D species. it is considered the basic unit of biological classification or a taxonomic rank. It might bee also define as the largest group of organisms . there could be found classical forms, fixed species and species that could change.