Answer: Natural selection is one of the forces of evolution and the enviroment where the species lives is the selection agent. For example, suppose a mosquitoes population in a environment free from insecticides, in this environment there's a high frequency of non-resistant mosquitoes because the environment is not exerting any pressure on the resistence trait. But when the environment changes and we use a insecticide upon the mosquitoes population, the populations changes because the non-resistant ones die but those resistant survive and beggin to reproduce more effectively. That's natural selection, differences in survival and reproduction between individuals with different phenotypes (traits) and this differences depend of environmental changes.
(D) H Vacuole
The vacuole is the organelle of the plant which contains water reserves of the plant and essential minerals required by the plant to grow. It also helps the plant to maintain its structure and provides rigidity
Answer – Vihara; Chaitya
Buddhist monastic communities made two types of rock-cut
halls; one was called the Vihara, used for the monks' living quarters, and
the other was the Chaitya, which meant
G1 , S , G2 , Mitosis
G1, S, and G2 are known as Interphase.
they need to be able to maintain their salt content, thru osmoregulation