As Bookworm83 pointed out already, C nor D couldn't possibly correct, also due to the reason that he was able to come up with the 14 point plan. However, the real answer to your question would be A - he was very shy.
The shyness of Woodrow Wilson has been readily documented in variou sources and is also the reason why it's th ecorrect answer. Overcoming something like shyness was not an easy thing to do for him.
Some examples of this were the Fugitive Slave Act, Preston Brooks's attack on Charles Sumner, and the Dred Scott decision (the part of it which said that African Americans could never be citizens). None of these events tangibly hurt the North or the South.
lower rates of taxation in urban areas, which resulted in higher standards of living.
lower rates of taxation in urban areas, which resulted in higher standards of living.
deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuts