A, Je t'invite à dîner.
This is a simple way to ask someone to dinner, specifically someone whom you would like to get to know.
Nous choisissons un ouvrage de référence sur la révolution française. Nous réfléchissons au sujet. Nous réussissons à trouver une revue intéressante sur la révolution. Nous finissons très tard.
Change from present "Je" form to present "Nous" form. Essentialy adding a ton of -"ons" to the stems.
Choisir to choisissons
Refliechis to réfléchissons
Réussis to réussissons
Finis to finissons
and, of course, "je" to "nous"
I suggest you review your conjugations and how to get stems/usual endings :) There are many patterns so it's not that difficult after you learn a few.
When you add itegers you subtract and take the sign of your highest number if you have two different signs.You just add if their the same.When subtracting integers use cco,copy change opposite and you should have the correct answers.How to use cco - copy your first number in the equation then change you minus sign to an addition sign and your last number should have the opposite sign than what it started with.Use your addition rules now !
In general it is false , because there are many exceptions as être = été.