Unfortunately, we cannot add links as answers here but you can easily find "The Boy with the Cuckoo-Clock Heart" in many different versions on Amazon. They even have physical soft and hard cover versions, limited-edition versions, audiobook version, and digital version both regular and limited edition. Therefore, you would definetely find what you are looking for there. The audiobook and digital versions are much cheaper than the physical version so I would choose one of those unless you want a physical version as a keepsake after you read it.
The fourth choice is correct
False it is base on trade of things that are worthless to exchange them for more valuable objects
The first statement is incorrect.
The second statement is correct.
1.C'est la troisième fois que je t'explique.
1.This is the third time that I explain to you.
Answer: it is supposed to be explained. With an "ed" at the end.
2. Cette petit fille est grand et gros.
2. This little girl is tall and fat.
Answer: this is a correct statement no wrong grammar.