Answer : a mountain or a hill that is being created on the Earth's crust when magma lands on the surface.
A volcano is also referred to as the vent that facilitates the transport of molten rock from deepest part of the Earth towards the its surface. The magma or the molten rock that erupts from the volcano is called lava. Lava is responsible for the construction of the cone that surrounds the vent of the volcano. A volcano that erupts magma turned to lava is called and active volcano while the volcano that has not erupted for quite some time is called dormant volcano.
mountains form from collision of earths plates
Coal workers' pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly known as "black lung disease," occurs when coal dust is inhaled. Over time, continued exposure to the coal dust causes scarring in the lungs, impairing your ability to breathe.
correct option is d) summer solstice
we know that at summer solstice earth one pole is tilt maximum toward the sun and it happen twice in a year
once make it maximum noon and one make maximum night
and earth maximum tilt toward the Sun is about 23.44°
summer solstice, it is also known as mid summer
when in sky sun reach high position it make
so here correct option is is d) summer solstice
True. At present, Luyten's Star is moving away from the Solar System. The closest approach occurred about 13,000 years ago when it came within 3.67 parsecs. The star is currently located 1.2 light years distant from Procyon, which would appear as a visual magnitude −4.5 star in the night sky of Luyten's Star's planets.