ICT is the abbreviated form of Information and Communication. It included different technologies like mobile phones, computers, USBs etc.
Following are two precautionary measures which should be observed when using any kind of ICT:
- Use of Antivirus: It can used to protect anything placed inside the technology especially from hacking and viruses which can create many issues.
- Backup Data: Creating a backup of the data stored in the device is important as it can be recalled when the device malfunctions. Backup of the data can be created through using USBs, CDs etc or through cloud storage
b)void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
In the function definition you have to pass the tell the function which type of argument it is taking.In our case we are taking a variable co of Banana type passing it to the function named aNonclassFunction having no return type.
So the definition will be like this.
void aNonclassFunction (Banana co);
I know the first one is A) Bookmark sites and I think the second one is B) Cross-platform capability.
if you are finding to be a pilot you can find it at jinnah airport
"flat file"
A simple database program whose records have no relationship to one another<span>single</span>