if u want someone to answer you have to break it down... i had a stroke reading this
is It is the point where the demand and supply curves intersect.
The roles of women as pioneer were to serve as wives,mothers, and housekeepers. These pioneer women had it impossible to be able to escape. At this job they were to work with men as partners to bring food to their youngsters. Women's pioneer life was not so dangerous and hard. Living as a pioneer brought domination qualities of each individual. As a result women learned to become independent of themselves at an early age it also taught them to face many consequences life brought. The pioneer women had the most important part on the frontier, and that is why we believe that the strongest people were in fact the pioneer women. The role of the woman was wife, mother, helpmate of her husband and the homemaker. It would stay this way for many years to come. By the year 1869 when the first transcontinental railroad was finished, over 350,000 pioneers had taken the Oregon Trail to start a new life. Many of these were women and most were accompanied by children. Laura Ingalls Wilder was one of these women, and she even wrote a book describing her experiences as a young pioneer woman. Other women like Annie Bidwell, did more than just write books. She founded the entire Sancramento Valley society. She also helped with gaining women suffrage, or the right to vote. Wyoming was the first state to declare that women had the right to vote, and others followed suit. She was even friends with Susan B. Anthony, the woman that helped with getting women around the country the right to vote. And also, Laura Ingalls helped with the temperance movement, which was a movement to stop the drinking of alcohol.
During the 1800's slavery began to increase in the West. The North worried that the states that allowed slavery would take over Congress if these new territories joined the Union as slave states. If the West joined the Union as free states, slave states would be outnumbered in Congress by free states, so Southerners began demanding that slavery should continue in the western states. Arguments over slavery in the new states helped bring on the Civil War which was fought from 1861 to 1865. Slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865.
375 words
Explanation:In historiography, the term historical revisionism identifies the re-interpretation of an historical account.[1] It usually involves challenging the orthodox (established, accepted or traditional) views held by professional scholars about a historical event or time-span or phenomenon, introducing contrary evidence, or reinterpreting the motivations and decisions of the people involved. The revision of the historical record can reflect new discoveries of fact, evidence, and interpretation, which then results in revised history. In dramatic cases, revisionism involves a reversal of older moral judgments.
At a basic level, legitimate historical revisionism is a common and not especially controversial process of developing and refining the writing of histories. Much more controversial is the reversal of moral findings, whereby what mainstream historians had considered (for example) positive forces are depicted as negative. Such revisionism, if challenged (especially in heated terms) by the supporters of the previous view, can become an illegitimate form of historical revisionism known as historical negationism if it involves inappropriate methods such as:
the use of forged documents or implausible distrust of genuine documents
attributing false conclusions to books and sources
manipulating statistical data
deliberately mis-translating texts
This type of historical revisionism can present a re-interpretation of the moral meaning of the historical record.[2] Negationists use the term "revisionism" to portray their efforts as legitimate historical revisionism. This is especially the case when "revisionism" relates to Holocaust denial.