Slaves in the United States used a number of measures to show resistance to slavery. These methods arose after the first slaves arrived in North America in 1619.
Mary Wollstonecraft was an avid supporter of women's rights and the enlightenment, using logic, reason, and observation (science) in the world around her. She hosted gatherings of other enlighteners, meeting to discuss new ideas and ways of thinking.
Answer: 1. A. Plantation
2. C. North
The South's economy was mainly based on Agriculture with large plantations growing Tobacco, Cotton, sugar cane etc. They needed labor on these farms and resorted to slave labor as it was cheaper and they could drive the slaves to work longer and harder.
The North on the other hand had started to industralise and therefore needed skilled labour who could work in the factories. They also looked down on slavery and took the lead in abolishing it.
The Mycenaean civilization during the dark age became a time of destruction. There were invasions,earthquakes and famine (little food). With the collapse of this civilization and sudden disappearance of writing evidence we have little knowledge as to what really happened during the dark ages.