A varying infrastructure.
The competitive pressure it creates for multinational companies in the industry is one of difference in infrastructure because different technical standards are found in different parts of the world.
For instance, A technical standard known as Global Systems for Mobile (GSM) is common in Europe, and an alternative standard, Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), is more common in the United States and parts of Asia.
Consequently, equipment designed for GSM will not work on a CDMA network and vice versa as a result of varying infrastructure, so companies would be innovative in order to improve on their products.
“The Quick Access Toolbar provides access to frequently used commands, and the option to customize the toolbar with the commands that you use most often. By default, the New, Open, Save, Quick Print, Run, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, and Redo buttons appear on the Quick Access Toolbar” -Information Builders
I think marketing and branding. i dont think this is 100% correct
The button is located on the left side of the gear shift right under the main shift button
<span>When you protect a workbook, you control the ability users have, to make changes to the file. This is t</span><span>o prevent other users from making changes, functions like adding, moving, deleting, or hiding worksheets, and renaming worksheets, you can </span>protect<span> it </span><span>with a password. </span>