- The way they choose their homes were different.
- Their main food sources are different.
- The way they choose their homes were different.
During the stone age, humans were nomadic. In order to fulfill their basic needs they have to engaged in hunting & gathering process to obtain foods and shelter from their environment. If the food in a certain area became too scarce, they will move and settle to another area.
During the agricultural age on the other hand, humans stayed in one place in a long period of time because they can produce their own food source. They're no longer need to hunt to fulfill their basic needs.
- Their main food sources are different.
During the stone age, animals meat and wild fruits were humans' main food source. As we entered the agricultural age, we started to developed food sources that were easy to produced and provide us with high calories. This is when we slowly transitioned into mostly consuming crops such as Potatoes, rice, and corn.
D: The United States was meant to stretch from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean
Today's world leaders must take Hitler as a <u>totally negative reference</u>, since taking advantage of the need of his people to introduce extremist ideas or hatred towards other countries is too cruel and wrong an act, on the other hand, it must imply that <u>any leader could abuse his power with adequate propaganda and circumstantial manipulation</u>, so it is the people who must be objective regarding political reality and distinguish which leader to follow and which not to follow.
<u>History must serve us to avoid making exactly the same mistakes of the past</u>, so a person who wants to lead a group of people properly, must be aware that in past years some leaders like Hitler have abused their power and that type of error, taking advantage of the trust or the ignorance of your people, should never be committed again.