The Great Wall is a fortificated East-to-West line which historically has delimited the Chinese Northern border. Its primary purpouse was to defend the Chinese territory against the invasions and quick raids organized by the nomadic people from the Eurasian Steppe lands, located more to the North.
But rather than as a fixed border, it should be regarded as a transition zone which establishes a distinction between two different lifestyles, even nowadays: the farmer regions in the South with sedentary ways of life and the pasture lands in the North, where its inhabitants have nomadic lifestyles and work mainly in animal husbandry activities.
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World War II was the deadliest military conflict in history. It lasted from 1939 to 1945 and involved 30 countries from every part of the globe. World War II killed around 70 million people or 4% of the world's population. Historians argue over the exact numbers, so most of the following figures are from "The Fallen of World War II." It's more than the deaths incurred for all wars since then combined.
The United Nations was founded in 1945 to prevent another conflict with the horrific consequences of World War II. A controversial organization from the start, the UN has nonetheless encouraged disarmament, promoted human rights, fought poverty, and worked to promote peace worldwide. Its pursuit of stability and global humanitarian efforts also led to the World Health Organization. WHO was formed thanks to a declaration that emerged from that first meeting of the UN, setting the control of malaria, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted diseases as its initial priorities. (this is the best I know about WWII sorry if it doesnt help)
Soviet Union.
The continuation of chaos in Western Europe potentially benefited Communism and the Soviet Union in several ways. It allowed communism to spread in Eastern Europe and Asia. Some of the countries that became part of the communism were Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany and Yugoslavia. The economy of thees country, in the beginning, became strong with industries and military advancements.