The correct answer is the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court is the most powerful court in the United States. This court, which is considered the judicial branch of the federal government, is responsible for hearing cases in which citizens rights may have been violated. From there, the Supreme Court uses its power of judicial review in order to make a ruling that will effect the entire country.
The concept of judicial review essentially allows the Supreme Court to determine whether a law is constitutional or unconstitutional.
1. The Sons of Liberty have tarred and feathered a British Tax Collector and are forcing tea down his throat under the Liberty Tree (which was cropped out of this particular image)
2. Symbols include:
- The Boston Tea Party happening in the background
- The upside down "Stamp Act" poster
- The tea being forced down the tax collectors throat
- The Liberty Tree behind them (which also has a noose hanging off of it, but again that has been cropped out)
3. Significant words or phrases:
- "Stamp Act" it is upside down, which could indicate surrender (which is pretty much what the British had to do with the Stamp Act)
- "Liberty Tree" because they are tarring and feathering someone underneath a supposed symbol of liberty && the "Liberty Tree" has a noose hanging off of it
- "Tea" this is significant because they are forcing it down the tax collectors throat & there is a tea act that enrages colonists
4. The cartoons message is that the American Colonists (specifically the Sons of Liberty) are savages who brutally attack men for collecting taxes for the British government. It also makes the colonists appear ungrateful (the tea party in the back).
5. Yes, it probably was very effective in Britain (where it was printed)
6. The British and their Loyalists in the colonies would agree and support this cartoon. The patriots (those who supported the soon to come revolution) and especially the Sons and Daughters of liberty would oppose and disagree with this cartoon (because it makes them look bad).
Martin Luther. He ended up starting the Protestant reformation this way
The steps involved in making paper includes turning the plant into fibers by separating the fibers usually with a stone mortar and from which cellulose would be extracted.
Therefore, the steps involved are Selecting and Separating and then washing the raw materials, Cooking and stirring the fibres and Pounding, separating and drying the paper fibres in a mould.
Faith in socialism, capitalism or communism prevents the rise of fascism because it combines aspects of these things but is different from them all. The idea that democracy is failing can help it rise. Hitler exploited the instability of Germany's democracy and the failure of the coalition governments to push for total power, presenting the idea that Germany needed a 'firm hand' for 4 years to get back on steady footing.