agricultural societies depend on tools to gather food and materials to live
The way that the Catholic Church responded to ninety-five Theses was: Catholic church condemed Martin Luther and asked him to recant.
The theses created by Martin Luther exposed the corrupt situation that was happening within the Catholic Church at that time. They beleive that if the ninety-five theses left uncontrolled, it would became a hindrance for the church's power within the government and create a financial defisit for the church.
Richard Nixon demonstrated his tendency toward republican liberalism on the issue of the environment.
Environment means everything that surrounds us. They can be living (biological) or non-living (abiotic). It includes physical, chemical, and other forces of nature. Organisms live in their environment. They constantly interact with it and adapt to the conditions of their environment.
The environment can be defined as the totality of all biotic and abiotic factors and their effects that affect human life. All living or biotic elements are animals, plants, forests, fisheries, and birds, while abiotic or abiotic elements include water, land, sunlight, rocks, and air.
Based on its constituents, the environment is divided into (1) aquatic environment (sea such as seas and oceans and freshwaters such as lakes and rivers), (2) terrestrial environment (land), and (3) atmospheric environment (air). can also be classified into ).
Learn more about the environment here:
President Kwaniewski lead Poland in its drive to become part of a broader European community when he made peace with the United States.