<span>C.) The lions will be entering the ring in a few minutes.</span>
Wallstreet crashed in 1929, bankrupting those who held stocks in buisnesses, and those buisnesses suffered. Banks failed and people were unemployed
The dustbowl followed after, thus contining the depression on longer. Dust storms bothered crops, and made living conditions harder.
Its Narrow and gentle I just took the test
This is the main structure:
Each incorporates non-English words
The use of the words like 'tortillas' and exoticizing of the lands that are being talked about int he passage are the strategies of the author to introduce the reader to this feeling of being exotic in the place and to the place one is in.
The first passage is about a person who sees the baggage of their culture
The other is about one that refuses to see the culture they themselves have and are looking for something that is exotic to them and thus alluring.