the addition of solutes lowers the potential, while an increase in pressure increases the potential.
From the testes, the sperms travel to the epididymis. These structures can be found resting on top of each testes. Fresh out of the testes, sperms are not yet matured and this is where the epididymis takes over. The sperm are stored here and this is where sperm matures. From here, the sperm moves into the vas deferens.
Molecule C would be least soluble in water because it is not a polar compound/molecule. It also lacks any unit that can combine with water to form a good hydrogen bond.
- The general rule of solubility is that like dissolves likes.
- Polar molecules will only dissolve in polar solvent.
- Water is a polar solvent with hydrogen bonds in them.
- Hydrocarbons typically have weak london dispersion forces between them and they are not polar.
- Other compounds have functional groups that can form hydrogen bond with water.
learn more:
Hydrogen bonding
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Daughter cells if I'm not mistaken