Answer: phone, rectangle box and money
D - Both doubt a talking turtle actually exists.
During the age of slavery, African people (and others) were kidnapped from their homeland and brought to America, many not surviving the journey. They were denied their basic humanity, their freedom, and their cultural identity, forced to work on plantations throughout the American South.
this month, remember
turn, on
to celebrate
on the retreat
how many, intend
to send invitations, give
invite, family
gift, give
there's 16 words but 17 spots so i reused give
One day Salva Dut showed up on my doorstep, and asked for a long, refreshing glass of water.
Hope this helps! Thank you :)
In a democracy, the main function of the media is to inform the people about everything that is of public interest, and to keep an eye on the branches of government: the president, the congress, and the judiciary.
Human rights violations are either caused by the government, or by other citizens (for example, a gang or a mafia cartel). In both cases, the media has the responsability to cast light on the cases, to inform them to the citizens, and to denounce them. This action is of great importance for democracy, because when human rights are violated, democracy is either in danger, or disappearing.