Hawaiian Island Is the most hot spot listed of Volcanoes
The statement is true.
As weird as it may sound, helium was indeed first discovered on the Sun, and after some time on Earth. The first evidence of helium was observed on August 18 1868, as a bright yellow line with a wavelength of 587.49 nanometers in the spectrum of the Sun's chromosphere. This line has been detected by a French astronomer by the name of Jules Janssen during a total solar eclipse in Gantur, India.
Las Zonas de Expansión son aquellos lugares donde las placas de la corteza terrestre se están separando, impulsadas por las corrientes ascendentes del manto superior, dando lugar a la salida de magma procedente de interior.
The event of Brexit was when Britain decided to exit from the rest of the European countries. Considering the immigration policy of the Brexit, it decided that it will have the same immigration policy for the European countries like it has for the rest of the countries of the world.
It also decided to cut the number of people entering Britain because it wanted to give more employment opportunities to it's own citizens and reduce other races coming.