3) B
4) A
5) B
3) Sun heats up the air of a particular region due to which the air heated rises up ( as hot air is lighter than cool air ). When the hot sir rises , the cool air from other region comes there & like this wind blow.
4) A toaster uses electricity to produce heat in order to toast bread So here the electric energy is converted to thermal energy.
5) Windmills , Hydroelectricity dams & Ethanol plants have turbines & turbines do have a generator which is to be rotated . When the generator is rotated , electricity is generated.
tRNA and mRNA can leave the nucleus.
tRNA, when mature and correct, can leave the nucleus and enter the cytoplasm. mRNA can leave the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane. However, DNA cannot leave the nucleus, it has to be transcribed into RNA.
ANSWER: None of the above options are correct.
Cardiac Output(CO) = Stroke Volume(SV) × Heart Rate(HR)
Therefore where HR= 90bpm and SV= 110ml/min,
CO = 90 × 110 = 9900ml/min or 9.9L/min.
CARDIAC OUTPUT is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart into the systemic circulation per minute.
Cardiac output is the product of two variables, stroke volume and heart rate.
STROKE VOLUME is the amount of blood pumped out by the left ventricle in each contraction.
HEART RATE is the count of the number of times the heart beats per minute.
Answer is C
The most similar is hippo and gray whale because they only differ 5 amino acid. The most different is gray whale and elephant because it is 30 amino acid different.