<span>58/110 = . 53 ( >. 33 so it is an animal)</span>
Drugs, smoking, and exercise. I hope this helps you! <span />
Sinh vật nhân sơ chỉ có một RNA Polymerase, trong khi sinh vật nhân chuẩn có ba (RNA Polymerase I, phiên mã rRNA; II, phiên mã mRNA; và III, phiên mã tRNA).
See the eplanation below, please.
In sickle cell anemia, hemoglobin has the form of rigid bars inside the red blood cells, causing them to adopt sickle shapes being not very flexible. These cells can block blood vessels, stopping the flow, causing oxygen to not reach the tissues.
The cause of this anemia is due to a genetic mutation (there is a substitution of thymine for adenine in the beta globin gene, located on chromosome 11), generating Hemoglobin S with a decrease in oxygen binding.