Client-centered or also known as person-centered therapy.Dr. Patterson is basically practicing this type of therapy where he is able to wait for the client's response and points of view on the matter instead of an intervention, forced and uninviting.
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the human resource is very essential for development of a nation cause the scientists develop useful machines and what if the human doesn't know how to use the resource the nation will still be undeveloped so that's why human skills are required and in the country who has great scientists that can develop the raw minerals into many great things that county will be more developed
The Bahamas is a country in the northwestern West Indies, located 80 km (50 mi) south-east of the coast of Florida (USA) and north of Cuba.
The answer is mesosystem. The mesosystem is the second level
of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. The mesosystem consists of
interactions between two microsystems. Like microsystems, mesosystems affect
the child directly. That is, the child is actively able to engage and socialize
with others in the mesosystem.