a.ii. A predetor is an animal that hunts or kills for food
A prey is the animal that the predetor hunts or kills for food
For example a rabbit is a prey because a fox (predetor) can hunt or kill it.
A particular single-celled organism uses radiant energy to fix carbon as sugars. This organism generates ATP by breaking down sugars through a process that uses oxygen. This organism is aerobic autotroph.
Autotrophs produce their own food from the substances available in their surroundings using light through photosynthesis or chemo-synthesis.
During bleeding, both formed elements (platelets, white blood cells, red blood cells) and plasma are lost from the circulatory system. They are lost proportionally, so initially there is no change in hematocrit.
Hematocrit is the percentage of the blood volume made up of elements (Hct = cell volume/blood volume). During dehydration, only water and electrolytes are lost, and the number of cells remains constant - the same number of cells in a smaller volume leads to an increase in hematocrit. When the body tries to restore blood volume, the first thing to recirculate is water from the ECF and this increases the amount of water without increasing the amount of red blood cells, so the compensatory mechanism causes the hematocrit to fall.
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Option A.
The best way to carry out smart growth is by keeping neighborhoods walkable.
- Smart growth is an unique concept that avoids sprawl by urban framing plan and transportation theory.
- For the smart growth of the community there must be compulsorily availability of walkable spaces in a compact urban centers.
- This tool of smart growth helps in developing the cities by preserving the available spaces for tomorrow, this process is also known as the sustainable development.