Answer: 1. Can make plants susceptible to a new disease.
4. Can suppress the occurrence of natural traits.
The genetically modified foods are also called as genetically engineered foods. These foods are produced by the introduction of the genome of other plant or animal with suitable traits. This may result in the desired characteristics of both the parent plants or animal parents within one modified organism. This results in the improvement in the quality of the food.
Other than the advantages of the genetically modified food there are certain disadvantages of the genetically modified food:
1. Can make plants susceptible to a new disease.: The genetically modified plants can be prevented from one type of disease causing pathogen but even if there is eradication of the pathogen there are chances that new pathogens may appear and they may cause new disease. Therefore, this process is not providing the absolute immunity to the plant body against all types of pathogen.
4. Can suppress the occurrence of natural traits.: In genetically modified food the introduction of new traits may be dominant over the valuable traits already present in an organism. These introduced dominant traits may suppress the natural traits.