The data-mining technique that creates a report or visual representation is summarization.
The business world has changed drastically over the years in terms of marketing and service delivery because of growth in technology. The use of machines and internet has caused a greater need for access and analysis of information in such a way that can make a business thrive in the market. This means that most businesses have to look into better data-mining techniques that can assist them in the competitive business environment.
The different data mining techniques include; association-rule learning, classification, summarization and regression. They are explained further as follows:
1. Association-rule learning: this is a machine learning technique that discovers a relationship between large databases using the concept of strong rules.
2. Classification: this technique finds similarities in features of two or more data sets and groups them into the same category.
3. Regression: this is a predictive technique that is used to identify and analyse the likelihood of a specific variable.
4. Summarization: this technique takes the results from the data and puts it in a way that it is short and understandable by most people. It usually involves the use of tables and other data summarization software like Excel sheets to represent the data in a way that conclusions can easily be drawn. Data summarization is important especially in the digital world where large amounts of data are available for analysis and transfer. This technique helps in breaking down huge data into short comprehensible reports that can easily be used for quick decision making.
1550 - 1750
The primary mining centers in colonial Spanish America were Potosi in southern Bolivia, and Zacatecas and Guanajuato in northern Mexico. Measured in current dollars, silver worth tens billions of dollars was extracted and shipped to Europe during colonial times, but currently those places are extremely poor.
The death on property must be disclosed to buyers by stateagents or owners if the death has occurred within last three years but the manner of death is not requried to be disclosed unless asked by the buyer.
The Consumer Credit Act is protections to apply between agreements between traders and individuals, sole traders, partnerships and unincorporated associations. But not agreements made between traders and bodies.
Bid A should be accepted
Bid A:
initial investment = $5.75 x 12,000 = -$69,000
cash flows years 1 - 4 = $0.25 x 12,000 = -$3,000
cash flow year 5 = -$69,000
cash flows years 6 - 9 = $0.25 x 12,000 = -$3,000
NPV using a 9% discount rate = -$129,881.21
Bid B:
initial investment = $10.50 x 12,000 = -$126,000
cash flows years 1 - 9 = $0.09 x 12,000 = -$1,080
NPV using a 9% discount rate = -$132,474.87