An important result of the industrial revolution in the 19th century Western Europe was that <span>urbanization increased rapidly.</span>
how a leader carries himself and treats the people around him. hand gestures are never overlooked. they can separate a strong leader from a weak one
In 1849 Tubman's owner<span>, Edward Brodess, needed to sell </span>slaves<span> in order to cover his debts. ... When </span>her<span>prayers </span>did<span> not work she changed it to: “Oh Lord, if you ain't never ... They </span>did<span> not want to leave traces, all they </span>wanted<span> was a total break from their ... </span>Harriet<span> had already resolved to </span>free<span> herself and after making sure </span>her<span> ...</span>
An individual would not be allowed out on bail or bond because if a person committed a serious crime like murder, or is thought as a threat to society or the community, the bail would be AUTOMATICALLY denied.