Southern regions, closer to the border.
Jesus wept over Jerusalem and grieved over mankind's hard hearts. Jesus knew that most would reject Him, just as had been prophesied.
They are more likely to be hospitalized for preventable conditions.
According to the lastest statistics by the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2018 there were 27.5 million people in the U.S. without health insurance.
When it comes to ethnicities: 5.4% of whites were without insurance, 9.7% of blacks were without insurance, and 17.8% of hispanics were without insurance.
Lack of insurance means that healthcare is more expensive. People without insurance often put off doctor visits. This may cause the development of preventable diseases to the point of requiring hospitalization.
As minorities in the US are, in percentage terms, more often uninsured than White People, it can be easily concluded that minorities are also more likely to be hospitalized for preventable conditions.
The pocky game that idols usually play on stage. Lots of fans take pics out of context.
A person who will get alienation must have done something horribly wrong to get this.
a person who will get job dissatisfaction must have most likely not completed the job or done the job wrong.
there's a difference but a minor one.
someone did something really bad to get alienated.
someone did something still bad but could be fixed and is acceptable to some measures. (more like a warning)