I believe its coal i hope this helped
Sound waves radiate outward from a central point.
Answer: Mercury has been well known as an environmental pollutant for several decades. As early as the 1950's it was established that emissions of mercury to the environment could have serious effects on human health. These early studies demonstrated that fish and other wildlife from various ecosystems commonly attain mercury levels of toxicological concern when directly affected by mercury-containing emissions from human-related activities. Human health concerns arise when fish and wildlife from these ecosystems are consumed by humans.
During the past decade, a new trend has emerged with regard to mercury pollution. Investigations initiated in the late 1980's in the northern-tier states of the U.S., Canada, and Nordic countries found that fish, mainly from nutrient-poor lakes and often in very remote areas, commonly have high levels of mercury. More recent fish sampling surveys in other regions of the U.S. have shown widespread mercury contamination in streams, wet-lands, reservoirs, and lakes. To date, 33 states have issued fish consumption advisories because of mercury contamination.
These continental to global scale occurrences of mercury contamination cannot be linked to individual emissions of mercury, but instead are due to widespread air pollution. When scientists measure mercury levels in air and surface water, however, the observed levels are extraordinarily low.
Answer: Water Depth. vertical distance between the sea floor and still water level. ... The same maximum and minimum water depths are applicable to bottom founded and floating structures, although water depth is usually a much less important parameter for floating structures.
sympathetic stimulation
Under stress or emergency conditions, the preganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division release acetylcholine. Acetylcholine stimulates secretion and release of epinephrine and norepinephrine from the adrenal medulla. These hormones enhance the effects of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) during stress. Epinephrine and norepinephrine augment the fight-or-flight response as they increase the heart rate and force of contraction, the output of the heart, and blood pressure. They also increase blood supply to the heart, liver, and adipose tissue. The airways to lungs become dilated and there are increase blood levels of glucose and fatty acids.