In the law court, when someone acknowledges that he is wrong about a particular allegation then, we say such person has admitted to that allegation. This is very important, please note that Admission is never the same thing as what is known as confession they are two different thing and an example is the question given above. An admission shows that you do not actually mean to commit a crime while confession means otherwise.
One of the usefulness of admission Admission is that it can be use to "plead for mercy'' in the law court.
Exploiting natural resources - this is the most straightforward approach. Colonies were established mainly to obtain the economic benefit from exploiting resources such as lumber, ore, gold, coal, etc.
Exploiting the population - exploiting the labor power of people in the colonies is also a way for the colonizer country to make money out of the colonized territory. The forms of exploitation can vary from straight up slavery, to serfdom, to wage labor with extremely low pay.
Making the colony a captive market - The colony can also become a captive market for the colonizing country. This means that the people in the colony are obliged to buy goods and services from the colonizing country due to internal or external restrictions to competition and trade.
I think that process is called erosion
revolt by Hindus and invasion the British.
Under the leaderships of Aurangzeb, the Mughal Empires started to conduct strict prosecutions to the people who refused to convert into Islam as the national religion/. Since Hindu was the largest population after Islam in that region, Aurangzeb often regarded as the 'vile oppressor's of the Hindus'. This caused series of Revolt by the Hindus that gradually waste the Empire's resources and military's power.
After the empire was weaken, the British government came into the territory in order to form colonies. Since the Mughal empire was already on a weaken state, they cannot win against the British' military's prowess and this eventually led to their downfall.