Well, it says to avoid fractions. So I did the math:
Solving for x in the first equation get you:
Solving for y in the first equation gets you:
Solving for x in the second equation gets you:
Solving for y in the second equation gets you:
If you look you can see the only option that does not give you fractions is if you solve for x in the second equation. So your answer is c! I hope this helps! =)
if we solve for x in first, we get x=-3y+7/2, has fractions so no if we solve for y in first, we get y=-x/3+7/6, has fractions so no if we solve for x in the 2nd, we get x=-3y+4, no fractions so yay if we solve for y in the 2nd, we get y=-x/3+4/3, has fractions so no