Alexander the Great was famous for his military power and is a legendary figure in history.
Much of what we know about Alexander the Great is unreliable and steeped in myth; a lot of these mythologies were used by Alexander’s successors.
In the Kingdom of Thrace, during the reign of Lysimachus—a successor of Alexander the Great who lived from 361 BCE to 281 BCE—an interesting coin was issued. This coin, which featured the head of Alexander the Great with ram’s horns on either side of his crown, was issued in the ancient city of Parium, in the northwestern region of modern-day Turkey. The horns were the symbol of the Egyptian god Amun—or Zeus, who is often conflated with Amun—from whom Alexander claimed descent. Flanked with these godlike horns, Alexander attained the status of a deity.
Silver coin; left, front,, head of Alexander the Great wearing the horns of Zeus Ammon; right, back, seated Athena.
Silver coin; left, front,, head of Alexander the Great wearing the horns of Zeus Ammon; right, back, seated Athena.
Silver coin; left, front,, head of Alexander the Great wearing the horns of Zeus Ammon; right, back, seated Athena. Image credit: British Museum
Surprisingly, Alexander himself did not issue coins with his own image; his successors did. Why would his successors refer back to their deceased predecessor as they established new empires? The reason is that Alexander the Great was—and still is—a powerful symbol of power, military genius, and conquest, whether or not this description of him is historically accurate. His image, name, and legendary power remained resonant—and politically visible—long after his death.
a. did not have an enjoyable time at the ball.
Jane Austen's novel <em>Northanger Abbey</em> tells the coming-of-age story of Catherine Morland. This novel deals with the theme of the loss of innocence and also depicts the typical Elizabethan society where wealth determines one's status.
Catherine had been invited by the family friend the Allens in Bath, where they had gone to a ball. But not being asked for a dance by anyone, Catherine felt bad and wishes that there was at least someone, anyone to talk to. She even implored on Mrs. Allen to try to find any acquaintance, asking her <em>"are you sure there is nobody you know in all this multitude of people? I think you must know somebody"</em> prompting her to sincerely tell her that she does not know anyone.
When asked by Mr. Allen whether she <em>"had an agreeable ball" </em>to which she replied <em>"Very agreeable indeed"</em> while at the same time <em>"vainly endeavoring to hide a great yawn"</em>. In this scene, the narrator implies that Catherine did not have an enjoyable time at the ball, despite the <em>"multitude of people"</em> who were in attendance.
Option: C. Soldiers brought back new technology and belief systems.
Crusades was the religious war fought in the medieval period to recover the Holy land from Muslims. The crusades also resulted in the spreading of trade between Europe and Asia. European merchants and traders travel to the Middle East and opened trading links in Jerusalem. Sugar, sherbet, coffee, rice, and fruits along with new goods like carpets, textiles, sailing compasses, and furniture introduced in Europe. The increasing demand for these items led European to establish trade networks with Asia. The crusade also assisted in the rise of Renaissance and knowledge of math, science, art, astronomy, medicine, and geography.
B. to keep their chief god strong
The Aztec believed that they owed everything to the gods who created themselves as well as the world around them. The would perform sacrifices in order for a good crop yield or good weather among other things. They believed that the best way to repay them was to offer up blood to them in regular rituals.
The presidential election of 1856 reflected a growing sectional divide in the United States. In 1856 President James Buchanan was elected by who we now called Republicans. This caused outrage in some because they had different views and beliefs than President James Buchanan. Therefore, the Democrats were created which created a sectional divide in the United States.
The presidential election of 1856 reflected a growing sectional divide in the United States. In 1856 President James Buchanan was elected by who we now called Republicans. This caused outrage in some because they had different views and beliefs than President James Buchanan. Therefore, the Democrats were created which created a sectional divide in the United States.