China and Japan share various cultural ideas with each
other. With their geographical proximity, they have continued to influence one
another. However, despite their similarities, there are also ways which these
two nations differ, and that is their view of the white man from the west.
Both China and Japan confronted challenges from Western
imperial powers and ended up signing unequal treaties with the West. However,
one stark difference in their reaction to these unequal treaties. The Japanese government,
currently under the Meiji regime chose to develop themselves through Westernization
in Japan. The Qing government, on the other hand, decided to keep the
traditional Chinese values and institutions in China. China’s efforts at
reforms were focused on dealing with the traditional methods to the growing western
influence in the country. Chinese cultural pride was profoundly ingrained in
their mindset that it turned into an impediment. It blinded numerous Chinese,
stopping them from identifying the requirement for fundamental change and to assimilate
new information from the west. Unlike China, Japanese efforts then was to
understand and recreate foreign technology to meet their military and
industrial requirements. These endeavors proved to be successful. The Meiji
then saw that military technology and industrialization could not be removed
from institutional structures that created these developments in the West. They
displayed minor hesitation in altering or ending traditional institutions for
those that could give Japan the modernity it needed to prosper as nation.
In conclusion, the Meiji Restoration was the Japanese’
success in assimilating western idea to their traditional way of things.
Proving that opening themselves for criticisms and help from western power
could be used to empower themselves.
Because Union and strikes were banned by the government WORKERS' WAGES DECREASES.
By abolishing Unions and the right of the workers to stage strike, the government gave enormous power to the industrialists and this led to decrease in the wages of the workers. This was majorly because, the employers knew that the workers have no other choice but to accept what they are offered.
A newspaper, article, video or any other media created by medical institutions or health professionals.
A source with bias-free information about second-hand smoke and the danger it can cause children with asthma, can only be a source made by healthcare professionals. This is because these professionals or institutions will be able to provide relevant, accurate and rational information that will really inform the reader with concrete facts about passable smoking and the danger for people with asthma.
Ottoman Empire represents on of the largest imperial projects in the history of humans, ruling vast territories in North Africa, the Balkans, and the middle east over a period of some five centuries. It was created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia that became one of the most powerful states in the world during 15th and 16th centuries. The central fact that allowed Suleiman to peruse urban renewal projects was the fact that his revenues from the state were higher than those of other European monarchs.
Bill of rights is the changes to the constitution which consist of first ten changes of the constitution in the United States. It promises certain rights and liberties to the people of that country.
Enumeration of rights means listing of the rights in the constitution which does not mean that people who do not have other basic rights which are not present and listed here. This has been said in the ninth amendment.
In guarding the Constitution in the Pennsylvania confirming convention, James Wilson asked who might 'be bold enough to undertake to enumerate all the rights of the people'.
He figured nobody could, yet cautioned that 'if the enumeration is not complete, everything not expressly mentioned will be presumed to be purposely omitted'. The Ninth Amendment, which provides that ''the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people''.