The American colonies would have been ruled by a king.
Personification. "young dawn" is given human qualities. Dawn can't have fingertips.
If anything that wouldn't have human characteristics, like an object, does in something literature (books, poems, etc.), then it would be personification.
Example: "The curtain danced in the wind," would be personification. Curtains can't dance.
it will create a monoply of the tea trade
Europe needed money because they were in debt
The shared experiences can dilute traditional cultures.
Modern technology, most notably the internet, has made possible instant communication and the democratization of the availability of information and knowledge. However, as a negative correlate of this fact, modern technology tends to focus on global trends and the cultures where these are originated, making experiences uniform, which can dilute, or at the very least, undermine, the contributions that traditional and non-dominant cultures may contribute to the globalized dialogue that modern technology implies.