Classifying things by observation can best be done by using a : Taxon
Taxon divided organisms into different groups based on their unique similarities, which is the best way to classify things if you're doing it by observation.
After the power stroke, ADP is released<span>; however, the cross-bridge formed is still in place, and actin and myosin are bound together. </span>ATP can<span> then attach to myosin, which allows the cross-bridge cycle to start again and further </span>muscle contraction can occur<span> </span>
Mechanoreceptors would be activated
The skin is a complex organ that is found covering the entire surface of the human body. The mechanoreceptors are responsible for the sense of touch, that is, the capture of pressure on the skin. They are the Meissner corpuscles and the Vater-Pacini corpuscles, which are made up of nerve endings and connective tissue, in other words, they are receptors that are stimulated by muscle contraction and pressure on the joint elements. It allows to know the position of the body and the degree of contraction of the muscles.
si este recoje lo que de verdad ayuda al cuerpo y desecha lo que le hace daño
Peristalsis moves the food along the digestive tract.