There are more than 3, so I'm not sure if you're looking for any 3 in particular. Powder, capsules, tablets pellets, pills, lozenges. Those are a few.
It had no executive branch to enforce the laws of the land, congress has no power to tax individual states, and each state printed its own currency.
Columbus did not discovered America we should celebrate indigenous Peoples' Day instead of Columbus Day.
When the British attacked Lexington and Concord in the spring of 1775 and were beaten back by the Massachusetts Patriots, South Carolina rallied to support the American Revolution. Loyalists and Patriots of the colony were split by nearly 50/50.
Samuel de Champlain, (born 1567?, Brouage, France—died December 25, 1635, Quebec, New France [now in Canada]), French explorer, acknowledged founder of the city of Quebec (1608), and consolidator of the French colonies in the New World.