A. True.
In this scenario, you are a cleared employee. You discovered fraud and waste of money related to a classified program within your agency. If you report this fraud and waste through appropriate channels, you may receive protection under the Presidential Policy Directive 19 (PPD-19): Protecting Whistleblowers with Access to Classified Information.
In USA, the Presidential Policy Directive 19 (PPD-19) which was signed by President Barack Obama in October 2012, is an executive order designed to provide significant protection for an employee who have access to classified informations such as fraud, waste of money and abuse or prohibiting any form of retaliation against this cleared employee.
Here's my code for that, consider it under the WTFPL ( Here is a pastebin of the code, as to avoid text formatting. (Link: Raw:
package javaapplication6;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class JavaApplication6 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner myScanner = new Scanner(;
boolean a;
int s;
System.out.println("Enter an int");
s = myScanner.nextInt();
a = hasEight(s);
private static boolean hasEight(int s)
String str = String.valueOf(s);
return str.contains("8");
The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section
The correct answer is :
A reader needs to hear a word pronounced
A student needs to take notes about a text
Because, text to speech tools mostly used to hear the text written in some files such as reading text from pdf file etc, or word pronunciation. However other options are not right because, reading a difficult material does not make sense with reading it links to understanding.
However, speech to text can be used by the student to take notes while listening the text, but would be easy instead of taking notes and listening, it is easy to copy the text.