"You look worried. How can I make you feel comfortable?"
This is false information a person with anixity will have a hard time sleeping and getting through thier day its very emotional for people with anixity.
El principal objetivo del baloncesto es hacer un gol y sumar puntos. Se hace un gol lanzando el balón a través de la canasta o aro. El poste o la canasta de un equipo está en el campo del oponente.
Please note I can only make out some of this, so here's the answers I can see-
Answer #5:
Left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle, right ventricle.
Answer #10:
1.2-1.5 gallons.
Answer #8:
White blood cells fight and kill off diseases.
I'll add more as I get it
Answer #4:
They assist in clotting your blood
Answer #14:
O, B, A, AB.