Environmental responsibility means that humans should look after the world in such a way that future generations can enjoy it too. It involves not using up the world's natural resources and ensuring that the planet is cared for and preserved.
As stewards of God’s creation, Christians believe that humans have a responsibility towards the environment. Christians have a duty to do what they can to ensure they are environmentally responsible. Each individual is responsible for their contribution to the environment and therefore must ensure they act to protect it.
Individuals can care for the environment by acting sustainably, eg:
making sure they only buy the food they need
recycling where possible
using and promoting renewable energy
reducing their carbon footprint
raising awareness of these issues.
So.. we should help to keep our environment clean
Have a nice day!✌️
The new Jason movie left everyone in the theater aghast.
The donations for the local food drive were ample.
I thought I had seen an apparition of my Great-Grandfather.
The male wolf had to assert his dominance.
The school bully made everyone cower as he walked the halls.
The answer is “Our team played really badly.”
Using “real” in place of adverbs such as “very” or “really” is not grammatically correct. Just stick with “really”.