The peninsulares were at the top of the social classes and was made up of people who were born in Spain.
These people were top officials in government and the Church. Second, were the creoles who were American-born descendants of the Spanish settlers. They owned most of the mines, plantations, and ranches.
The correct answer is C) The Tigris and Euphrates
A and B are not correct because Nile is totally to the west, so this can't be a correct answer.
D is also not correct because Persian Gulf is to the south in contrast to Ur.
C is correct as Ur is located in the Southern part of Mesopotamia, so when they traveled north they were moving along two greatest rivers of Mesopotamia.
" Concurrent powers are powers of a federal system of government shared by both the federal government and each constituent political unit (such as states or province) "
A rule made by the government is a law.
Reasons for Britain's Victory
Collaboration with colonial authorities: Pitt gave local authorities control over supplies and recruitment, paying them for their help, while the French struggled to get manpower and supplies. The French were however better at recruiting the Indians to fight with them. A better navy.