Innate immunity
Innate immunity is also referred to as inherited or natural immunity. It is the type of immunity that one is born with. It is passed on from mother to offspring. This form of immunity is non-specific as it offers protection from many types of antigens.
they contain chlorophyll which makes leaves green and absorbs sunlight.
<span>Biological scientists are research scientists who examine how living organisms relate to the environment. They can specialize in any number of plant, animal or environmental studies. Biological scientists most often have earned a master's or doctoral degree in their specialization; such degrees offer the opportunity to develop research while finishing their education. Some low-level positions related to biological science are available to those holding baccalaureate degrees.</span>
<span>E. Stimulation of T-cell by APC</span>
The initial exposure of the body to an infectious agent e.g. through a vaccine, triggers an immune response most of which rapidly diminishes after the vaccination. However some cells of the immune system called lymphocytes remain with a memory of that pathogen.As a result, if the same pathogen infects a vaccinated person, the memory cells remember and recognize it and rapidly spring into action triggering a much more rapid response specific to that pathogen than the initial exposure, effectively dealing and neutralizing the pathogen.