Water sample showing pink/purple color is an error.
Biuret is a blue color reagent that changes its color to pink/purple whenever it detects protein in a sample. Water don't contain proteins so it should not show pink/purple color instead it should maintain the blue color. Food items generally contain proteins so it show pink/purple color but it showed blue color.
Error might have caused by wrong marking of the samples, test tube marked with Water might contain a mystery food while Mystery food tube might contain water.
The first answer should be the right one
Because they have flowers which attract pollinators
The sister chromatids are then pulled apart by the mitotic spindle which pulls one chromatid to one pole and the other chromatid to the opposite pole.
The chromosomes line up neatly end-to-end along the centre (equator) of the cell.
The centrioles are now at opposite poles of the cell with the mitotic spindle fibres extending from them.
The mitotic spindle fibres attach to each of the sister chromatids.
The DNA in the cell is copied in preparation for cell division, this results in two identical full sets of chromosomes?.
Outside of the nucleus? are two centrosomes, each containing a pair of centrioles, these structures are critical for the process of cell division.