Priests served the gods’ needs and, at times, the power of the High Priest of Amun-Ra rivaled pharaoh’s. Pharaoh appointed the priests during early periods but later the posts became hereditary. <span>Scribes, part of the third level of the pyramid, were some of the only people in Egypt who could </span>read and write<span>. They </span>kept the records<span> of the country including the amount of food produced and gifts presented to the gods. </span>
its was made a U.S inventor call Eli Whitney.
By the mid-19th century, cotton had become America’s leading export.
The cotton gin is a machine that is used to pull cotton fibers from the cotton seed.
A cotton gin – meaning "cotton engine" – is a machine that quickly and easily separates cotton fibers from their seeds
The separated seeds may be used to grow more cotton or to produce cottonseed oil.
He was on suspecion of adultry in the white house..
The Marbury vs<span>. </span>Madison<span> decision of 1803 set the precedent that the </span>court<span> could nullify an act of Congress if it was found to be inconsistent with the Constitution. This ruling formed the basis of judicial review and established the separation of the executive and judicial branches. hope this helps</span>