Tolkien mastered Latin and Greek. Then in college at oxford he majored in philology; the study of languages.
J.R.R Tolkien loved languages, his mother Mable Tolkien paid for his tuition to attend king Edward school in Birmingham, England when they returned to England from South Africa. Tolkien had great interest in languages, He mastered Latin and Greek and was also developing his own language.
After his mother Mabel passed away October 15, 1904, life was hard on Tolkien and his brother. The father Francis Morgan became their guardian.
Tolkien looked towards college, then was first rejected at oxford but was later accepted, where he majored in philology;the study of languages. At oxford, he read classic literature, Gothic, old English, welsh and Finnish.
Tolkien proposed to Edith in 1916 while still studying in oxford. he soon received his first class degree in philology.
Something along the lines of,"if you do not do as i wish you will be eaten by the monster in the cave, something or someone that i control..."
Report Writing is a style of formal writing elaborating on a specific topic!
Krakauer often talks about how people have attempted to live off the land in Alaska. Some people have died, and others are just bombarded by mosquitoes and other deadly things in nature. Alaska is not just beautiful, but can be very harsh. He wants people to not be so ignorant about Mother Nature. The author even compares the wandering into Alaska as wandering into death. Just not being prepared for the elements of what Alaska can give.
The lacrosse team cared more about team unity than winning.