Geographic location.
Tropical regions usually have average 65f or higher due to it being close to the equator. temperate climate usually varies, not too hot not too cold
This is an example of exchange theory.
In sociology, exchange theory has to do with maximizing benefits while also minimizing costs. When applied to Bill and Cathy's situation, they are taking advantage of each other's skills in order to minimize costs - Bill can cook and Cathy can't (so they can prepare food on their own) and Cathy can repair stuff and Bill can't (so they don't have to get a handyman).
B Ku Klux Klan
The KKK is white supremacist hate group that uses terror to advance their agenda.
Wobblies were industrial workers of the world and worked to improve working conditions.
And communism is a political group. The goal of communism is to create a stateless, classless society.