La arcilla es la más rica de los minerales del suelo, y contiene nutrientes como hierro, potasio y calcio. Las partículas más pequeñas del suelo provienen de la arcilla, la cual puede llegar a ser muy densa y difícil de ser trabajada.
3-musculoskeletal system
have a good day, good luck!
The three ways that heat is transferred are as follows:
Conduction, convection, and radiation.
Radiation is when heat is transferred in waves. It is the only type of transfer that can occur in a vacuum, so that is how heat reaches earth from the sun.
Conduction is when heat is transferred between solid objects. That is how heat is transferred between objects on the earths surface.
Convetsion is when heat is transferred through a liquid. This is how the ocean heats all the way through, rather than just the surface.
they croak to show agresion
b/c they use it to pretect females
The independent variable is the new plant food