Answer: Yes.
Fermentation is a general term denoting anaerobic degradation of glucose or other organic nutrients in various products to obtain energy in the form of ATP. Fermentation occurs when, after glycolysis, the Krebs cycle is not performed, because the organism does not have it or because this pathway is blocked, such as during hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Fermentation is a process used by bacteria to obtain energy, does not use oxygen and occurs in the cytoplasm of cells, ie an intracellular process, and each step is catalyzed with the help of different enzymes.
Some industries use this process in the production of some products, known to all of us, such as:
1. yogurt is produced by the famous lactic fermentation, where bacteria called lactobacilli to produce lactic acid.
2. bread and beer are produced by alcoholic fermentation, where the fermentation is carried out by fungi (facultative anaerobic), which ultimately produce alcohol;
3. vinegar to that produced by acetic fermentation, which consists of a chemical reaction, where partial oxidation of ethyl alcohol occurs, obtaining acetic acid.
Clastic sediments or sedimentary rocks are classified based on grain size, clast and cementing material (matrix) composition, and texture. ... An example of clastic environment would be a river system in which the full range of grains being transported by the moving water consist of pieces eroded from solid rock upstream.
Would be same everywhere !! mechanical energy is always constant !
and it doesn't matter air is present or energy is always constant !
I Think The answer is a I hope it helps My friend
It is called a cell membrane potential